Heritage Building Materials
Materials, Tools, and Technology
- Introduction - What is Culture Heritage ?
- Antiquarian
- Antiquities
- Archaeological culture
- Collectable
- Collecting
- Collective memory
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage management
- Cultural Properties of Japan
- Cultural property
- Ethnobotany
- Folklore
- Heirloom plant
- Heritage tourism
- Intrinsic value (ethics)
- Language preservation
- List of collectibles
- Material culture
- Oral history
- Rare breed (agriculture)
- Value pluralism
- Values (heritage)
- Virtual heritage
- World Heritage Site
- World Monuments Fund
- International conventions
- Applied ethics
- Art repatriation
- Athens Charter (preservation)
- Barcelona Charter
- Cultural property law
- Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- International Committee of the Blue Shield
- International Council on Monuments and Sites
- Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- Roerich Pact
- UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage
- Venice Charter
- Conservation
- Architectural conservation
- Artifact (archaeology)
- Assemblage (archaeology)
- Book
- Book collecting
- Building restoration
- Collections care
- Conservation and restoration of copper-based objects
- Conservation and restoration of glass objects
- Conservation and restoration of iron and steel objects
- Conservation and restoration of ivory objects
- Conservation and restoration of metals
- Conservation and restoration of silver objects
- Conservation in the United Kingdom
- Conservation science
- Conservation-restoration
- Conservator
- Conservator-restorer
- Frame conservation
- Historic paint analysis
- Historic preservation
- Object conservation
- Painting restoration
- Principles of Intelligent Urbanism
- Reconstruction (architecture)
- Stained glass conservation
- Stewardship
- Sustainable preservation
- List of demolished buildings and structures
- Abbey of Orosh
- African-American historic places
- Ajyad Fortress
- Architectural photographers
- Avala Tower
- Barzan Palace
- Bok House
- Broerkerk
- Bökelbergstadion
- Carlton Bloc
- Casa de Castro Gómez
- Caseros Prison
- Coal Exchange (London)
- Contributing property
- Cultural landscape
- Deutschlandhalle
- Devil's Tower (Gibraltar)
- Erivan Fortress
- Esso Tower
- Estádio da Luz (1954)
- Fort Saint Michael
- Fort Sint-Michiel (Venlo)
- Fryerns Comprehensive School
- Georgi Dimitrov Mausoleum
- Golm transmitter
- History of the National Register of Historic Places
- Huis Honselaarsdijk
- Huis ter Nieuwburg
- Hôpital de la Charité
- Hôtel Grimod de La Reynière
- Hôtel Thellusson
- Ipatiev House
- Ismaning radio transmitter
- Jails and prisons listed on the National Register of Historic Places
- Jean Bunoz Sports Hall
- Kazanowski Palace
- Keeper of the Register
- Kotowski Palace
- Königsberg Castle
- Leipziger Platz 12
- Lelewel Palace
- Lines of Contravallation of Gibraltar
- List of heritage registers
- List of tallest voluntarily demolished buildings
- List of threatened historic sites in the United States
- List of U.S. National Historic Landmarks by state
- Love Land (China)
- Mathematics Tower, Manchester
- Monument to Simion Murafa, Alexei Mateevici and Andrei Hodorogea
- Moskva Pool
- Mühlacker radio transmitter
- National Heritage Area
- National Historic Sites (United States)
- National Kaiser Wilhelm Monument
- National Register of Historic Places
- National Register of Historic Places property types
- National Trust (disambiguation)
- Nicosia Old General Hospital
- Odinstårnet
- Palace II
- Palácio Monroe
- Pichilemu post-office building
- Poltegor Centre
- Public history
- Raimundo Saporta Pavilion
- Reception Tower Utlandshörn
- Register of Culturally Significant Property
- Rokumeikan
- Royal Castle, Warsaw
- Royal Opera House, Valletta
- Ry?unkaku
- Salle des Concerts Herz
- Saxon Palace
- Seaman's Hospital
- St Faith's Church, Winchester
- Stade Bergeyre
- Stadio delle Alpi
- Stadionul Ilie Oan? (1937)
- Stadionul Ion Moina (1911)
- Stadionul Municipal (Bra?ov, old)
- Stadionul Na?ional (1953)
- Stadionul Republicii
- Stadionul Romcomit
- Stadionul Venus
- Stadtschloss, Berlin
- Stalin Monument (Budapest)
- Stalin Monument (Prague)
- State historic preservation office
- Sundrome
- Sutyagin House
- Takia-ye Dawlat
- Teatro Odeón
- Theatro D. Pedro II
- Theatro Lyrico Fluminense
- Tuileries Palace
- Turnul Col?ei
- Windsor Tower (Madrid)
- Yeongeunmun
- Introduction to Materials Technology
- Atomic packing factor
- Bio-based material
- Biomaterial
- Bioplastic
- Carbon nanotube
- Ceramic engineering
- Ceramic forming techniques
- Colloidal crystal
- Composite material
- Crystallography
- Electron crystallography
- Electron diffraction
- Forensic engineering
- Glass databases
- History of materials science
- Liquid crystal
- List of emerging technologies
- List of important publications in chemistry
- List of important publications in physics
- List of materials analysis methods
- List of materials science journals
- List of scientific journals
- Materials science
- Metallurgy
- Mineralogy
- Molecular modelling
- Nanomaterials
- Nanotechnology
- Neutron diffraction
- Polymer engineering
- Quenching
- Single crystal
- Sintering
- Sol-gel
- Solid-state chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Thermal analysis
- Timeline of materials technology
- Transparency and translucency
- Tribology
- X-ray crystallography
- Traditional Building Materials
- Alabaster
- Alternative natural materials
- Anhydrite
- Bathybius haeckelii
- Bentonite
- Building material
- Calcite
- Calcium hydroxide
- Calcium oxide
- Calcium sulfate
- Calcium sulfate (data page)
- Cave of the Crystals
- Ceramic
- Chalk
- Clay
- Clay minerals
- Clay pit
- Dietary mineral
- Expansive clay
- Gypcrust
- Gypsum
- Hydraulic lime
- Ikaite
- Industrial plasticine
- Lime (material)
- Lime mortar
- Lime plaster
- Limewater
- List of building materials
- List of decorative stones
- List of famous gemstones
- List of meteorite minerals
- List of minerals
- List of minerals (complete)
- List of rock types
- London Clay
- Mineral
- Mineral collecting
- Natural material
- Ocean acidification
- Paper clay
- Phosphogypsum
- Plasticine
- Pottery
- Rock (geology)
- Rock cycle
- Selenite (mineral)
- Vertisol
- Whitewash
- Yule Marble
- Materials and appropriate technology
- Adobe
- Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology
- Air well (condenser)
- Akhtar Hameed Khan
- Annualized geo solar
- Appropedia
- Appropriate technology
- Bamboo bicycle
- Baptist well drilling
- Bicycle
- BiPu
- Briquette
- Ceramic houses
- Ceramic water filter
- Classmate PC
- Clean Tech Nation
- Cloth filter
- Cob (material)
- Coil pump
- Composting toilet
- Compressed earth block
- Cook stove
- Coolgardie safe
- Dew pond
- Digital textbook
- Dutch brick
- Earthbag construction
- Earthen plaster
- Embrace (non-profit)
- Fog collection
- Fonio husking machine
- Freight bicycle
- Gemini Somatics
- Hand pump
- Hempcrete
- Hexayurt
- Hippo water roller
- Honey bucket
- Intonaco
- Joint compound
- Lath and plaster
- Latrine
- Lava filter
- Lemote
- LifeStraw
- Light clay
- Liter of Light
- Lò tr?u
- Malibu Hydro
- MHealth
- Micro hydro
- Mudbrick
- Netbook
- Nettop
- Open-source-appropriate technology
- Orangi Pilot Project
- Outhouse
- Papyrus sanitary pad
- Pargeting
- Passive fire protection
- Personal Internet Communicator
- Phase-change incubator
- Pico hydro
- Plaster
- Plasterwork
- PlayPower
- Polished plaster
- Portable Aqua Unit for Lifesaving
- Pot-in-pot refrigerator
- Quincha
- Rainwater harvesting
- Rainwater harvesting in Kerala
- Rainwater harvesting in the United Kingdom
- Rainwater tank
- Rammed earth
- Renewable energy
- Roughing filter
- Roundabout PlayPump
- Safe bottle lamp
- Safe household water storage
- Scannebago
- Screenless hammer mill
- Simputer
- Single-wire earth return
- Slow sand filter
- Sludging
- Soft energy technology
- Solar chimney
- Solar rickshaw
- Solar water disinfection
- Solar-powered desalination unit
- Spiral pump
- Spring box
- Strychnos
- Stucco
- Superadobe
- Synthetic biology
- The Clean Tech Revolution
- The Liberator (CEB press)
- Timber framing
- Time switch
- Treadle pump
- Universal Nut Sheller
- VIA pc-1 Initiative
- Village-level operation and maintenance (pumps)
- Water timer
- Waterladder pump
- Wattle and daub
- Whirlwind wheelchair
- Whole Earth Catalog
- Windcatcher
- World Habitat Awards
- Zero-emissions vehicle
- Natural Fibers and Organic Materials
- Abacá
- Bast fibre
- Cash crop
- Cast earth
- Cellulose
- Chirpici
- Coir
- Cotton
- Flax
- Guinean mangroves
- Hemp
- Jute
- Jute cultivation
- Lignin
- Natural building
- Natural fiber
- Ramie
- Rice-hull bagwall construction
- Sisal
- Straw-bale construction
- Vernacular architecture
- Wood and woodworks
- Arecaceae
- Date palm
- History of construction
- History of wood carving
- List of Arecaceae genera
- List of woods
- Lumber
- Mangrove
- Mangrove tree distribution
- Wood
- Wood glue
- Wood preservation
- Wood warping
- Woodway House
- Woodworking
- Workbench (woodworking)
- Concrete and cement materials
- Abrams cone
- Abrams test
- Accelerated curing
- AFm phase
- Afwillite
- Aggregate (composite)
- Air entrainment
- Alkali-aggregate reaction
- Alkali-carbonate reaction
- Alkali-silica reaction
- AltusGroup
- Anchorage in reinforced concrete
- Asphalt concrete
- Autoclaved aerated concrete
- Barrier cable
- Biogenic sulfide corrosion
- Biorock
- Bomanite
- Brucite
- Bughole-induced outgassing
- Béton brut
- Calcium silicate hydrate
- Carbon grid
- Carbonatation
- Cast stone
- Cement
- Cement accelerator
- Cement chemist notation
- Cement kiln
- Climbing formwork
- Clinker (cement)
- Conco
- Concrete
- Concrete cancer
- Concrete canoe
- Concrete cover
- Concrete degradation
- Concrete densifier
- Concrete float
- Concrete fracture analysis
- Concrete landscape curbing
- Concrete leveling
- Concrete masonry unit
- Concrete mixer
- Concrete moisture meter
- Concrete plant
- Concrete pump
- Concrete recycling
- Concrete shell
- Concrete ship
- Concrete slab
- Concrete slump test
- Concrete step barrier
- Concrete sulfate attack
- Construction aggregate
- Continuous flight augering
- Continuous pour concrete
- Cover meter
- Crack spacing of reinforced concrete
- Creep and shrinkage of concrete and their effects in structures
- Decorative concrete
- Diamond grinding of pavement
- Ducrete
- Ductal
- Dyecrete
- Electrical resistivity measurement of concrete
- Energetically modified cement
- Engineered cementitious composite
- Environmental impact of concrete
- Epoxy Moisture Control System (Flooring)
- Equivalent Concrete Performance Concept
- Eternit
- Ettringite
- Expanded polystyrene concrete
- Faux bois
- Ferrocement
- Fiber-reinforced concrete
- Fibre cement
- Filigree concrete
- Firth Concrete
- Flexicore
- Flow table test
- Fly ash
- Foam Index
- Fondu fyre
- Form liner
- Formwork
- Friedel's salt
- Geopolymer concrete
- Glass fiber reinforced concrete
- Granolithic
- Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race
- Ground granulated blast-furnace slag
- Grout
- Grouting
- Gunite
- Gypsum concrete
- High-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
- Hollow-core slab
- Hycrete
- Hydrodemolition
- Hydrophobic concrete
- Hypertufa
- Incinerator bottom ash
- Industrial coating
- Kieselkalk
- Mineral hydration
- Mo-Sai
- Modified Compression Field Theory
- Mortar (masonry)
- Mudcrete
- Papercrete
- Pondcrete
- Portland cement
- Pulverised fuel ash
- Rebar
- Reinforced concrete
- Reinforced solid
- Rice hulls
- Roman Architectural Revolution
- Roman concrete
- Salt-concrete
- Saltcrete
- Sandjacking
- Saturated-surface-dry
- Screed
- Segregation in concrete
- Self-consolidating concrete
- Silicate mineral paint
- Sodium silicate
- Soil cement
- White Portland cement
- Brick and Stone Buildings
- Al-Khod Conglomerate
- Amsterdam School
- Anamosa Limestone
- Ancaster stone
- Barre Granite
- Bath brick
- Beer Quarry Caves
- Belgian marble
- Bloomsburg Formation
- Bluestone
- Boonton Formation
- Brick
- Bricklayer
- Brownstone
- Caen stone
- Cantera (stone)
- Captain Stone House
- Cas di torto
- Ceiling
- Classes of metals
- Claystone
- Coade stone
- Cobblestone
- Cobblestone architecture
- Crushed stone
- Decomposed granite
- Dimension stone
- Dry stone
- Fareham red brick
- Fieldstone
- Fire brick
- Fire clay
- Flagstone
- Flint
- Floor
- Freemasonry
- Gable stone
- Global Heritage Stone Resource
- Glossary of British bricklaying
- Grating
- Gravel
- Great Living Chola Temples
- Halifax City Hall
- Hamstone
- Harz granite
- Hassan Fathy
- Headington stone
- Hokie Stone
- Holystone
- Horsham Stone
- Humayun's Tomb
- Indian God Rock
- Indiana Limestone
- Jasper conglomerate
- Kashmir gold
- Kashmir white granite
- Kentish Ragstone
- Ketton stone
- Kimmeridge Clay
- Knapping
- Limestone
- Limestone (CDP), Maine
- Limestone, Maine
- List of Brick Gothic buildings
- List of Brick Romanesque buildings
- List of commercially available roofing material
- List of types of limestone
- List of types of marble
- Luke Brown House
- Maine School of Science and Mathematics
- Marble Palace
- Masonry
- Medieval letter tile
- Metal
- Metal hydroxide
- Millwork (building material)
- Mission San Xavier del Bac
- Monument Lefebvre
- Mudbrick stamp
- Mudstone
- North Point Water Tower
- Nubian Sandstone
- Oamaru stone
- Old Port Formation
- Old Red Sandstone
- Opus incertum
- Opus mixtum
- Opus quadratum
- Opus spicatum
- Opus vittatum
- Passaic Formation
- People's Palace
- Periodic table (metals and nonmetals)
- Perpend stone
- Petra
- Petra papyri
- Polychrome brickwork
- Portland stone
- Potsdam Sandstone
- Pulhamite
- Purbeck Marble
- Purbeck stone
- Qalat (fortress)
- Quarry-faced stone
- Queen Victoria Building
- Rag-stone
- Red List building materials
- Riprap
- Roman brick
- Roof
- Royal Palace of Amsterdam
- Rubble
- Rubble masonry
- Ru?chi?a marble
- Salt Lake Assembly Hall
- Sandstone
- Secretariat Building, New Delhi
- Sillar
- Siltstone
- Sioux Quartzite
- Slate
- Slipform stonemasonry
- Sri Digambar Jain Lal Mandir
- St Mary's Church, Barnes
- St Peter's Church, Hockwold
- Staddle stones
- Stone carving
- Stone sculpture
- Stone wall
- Stonemasonry
- Sussex Marble
- Tennessee marble
- Tomb of I'tim?d-ud-Daulah
- Tomb of Sher Shah Suri
- Totternhoe Stone
- Tuffeau stone
- Tyndall stone
- Verd antique
- Victoria Memorial (India)
- Wall
- Weald Clay
- Westchester marble
- Yorkstone
- Wood Insects
- Ambrosia beetle
- Carpenter ant
- Chalcophora japonica
- Coatonachthodes ovambolandicus
- Common furniture beetle
- Deathwatch beetle
- Decompiculture
- Formica rufa group
- Nanotoxicology
- Old-house borer
- Powderpost beetle
- Stigmergy
- Termite
- Termite shield
- Woodboring beetle
- Woodworm
- Xylophagy
- Tools
- Abrasive blasting
- Acoustic cleaning
- Adjustable spanner
- Adze
- Angle grinder
- Antique tool
- Anvil
- Arbor press
- Architect's scale
- Bandsaw
- Beam compass
- Belt sander
- Blade
- Block plane
- Blow torch
- Bolt cutter
- Boring (manufacturing)
- Brace (tool)
- Braced Frame
- Bradawl
- Brake (sheet metal bending)
- Breaker bar
- Brickwork
- Broaching (metalworking)
- Broom
- Brush
- Bucket
- Burin
- Burr (cutter)
- Bush hammer
- Caliper
- Card scraper
- Cast Courts (Victoria and Albert Museum)
- Casting
- Cat's paw (nail puller)
- Center gauge
- Ceramic tile cutter
- Chalk line
- Chisel
- Circular saw
- Clamp (tool)
- Cold saw
- Color wash
- Combination square
- Compass (drafting)
- Concrete saw
- Coping saw
- Countersink
- Crowbar (tool)
- Crusher
- Cutting tool (machining)
- Dental drill
- Diagonal pliers
- Diamond blade
- Diamond tool
- Die (manufacturing)
- Drawknife
- Drift pin
- Drifter (drill)
- Drill
- Drill (disambiguation)
- Drill bit
- Drywall
- Emery cloth
- Endmill
- Engineer's scale
- English wheel
- Feather duster
- Fiberglass
- File (tool)
- Fish tape
- Flashlight
- Flat spline
- Floor buffer
- Flushwork
- Forge
- Fretsaw
- Froe
- Gear shaper
- Glass cutter
- Grater
- Grease gun (tool)
- Grinding wheel
- Hair
- Halligan bar
- Hammer
- Hammer drill
- Hammer-headed tenon
- Hand saw
- Hardstone carving
- Hardy tool
- Hataki
- Hawk (plasterer's tool)
- Head crusher
- Hex key
- Hobbing
- Horsehair
- Hot-melt adhesive
- Hybrid masonry
- Impact driver
- Impact wrench
- Jack (device)
- Jackhammer
- Jig (tool)
- Jigsaw (power tool)
- Jointer
- Kelly tool
- Knife
- Kraft paper
- Kunai
- Ladder
- Lath
- Lewis (lifting appliance)
- List of timber framing tools
- List of tool-lending libraries
- Locking pliers
- Lug wrench
- Machine tool
- Machinist square
- Magnetic base
- Mallet
- Masonry trowel
- Milk crate
- Milling cutter
- Miter saw
- Mitre box
- Monkey wrench
- Mop
- Mop bucket cart
- Mosaic
- Multi-tool
- Nail (fastener)
- Nail clipper
- Nail gun
- Needlegun scaler
- Nibbler
- Non-explosive demolition agents
- Nut driver
- Oxy-fuel welding and cutting
- Paint roller
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Piercing saw
- Pincers (tool)
- Pipe cleaner
- Pipe wrench
- Pipecutter
- Plane (tool)
- Pliers
- Plug and feather
- Plumber wrench
- Plumber's snake
- Plunger
- Pocket knife
- Polycarbonate
- Posser
- Power trowel
- Punch down tool
- Punch press
- Putty knife
- Rasp
- Razor
- Reamer
- Repointing
- Rotary table
- Roughcast
- Ruler
- Sand
- Sandpaper
- Saw
- Sawdust
- Sawhorse
- Scabbling
- Scalpel
- Scissors
- Screw press
- Seashell
- Set square
- Shear (sheet metal)
- Shovel
- Shuriken
- Sledgehammer
- Snips
- Spike maul
- Spirit level
- Sponge (material)
- Spud bar
- Squeegee
- Staple gun
- Steel square
- Steel wool
- Stonemason's hammer
- Straightedge
- Surform
- Swage block
- Switchblade
- T-square
- Tap and die
- Tape measure
- Tar paper
- Tawashi
- Tongs
- Tongue-and-groove pliers
- Tool
- Tool and die maker
- Tool bit
- Toolbox
- Trip hammer
- Trowel
- Tuckpointing
- Utility knife
- Vernier scale
- Vise
- Water jet cutter
- Wire brush
- Wire stripper
- Workbench
- appendices
- Ashlar
- Birdsmouth joint
- Bridle joint
- Chainsaw mill
- Dado (joinery)
- Dovetail joint
- French polish
- Glossary of meteoritics
- Glossary of woodworking
- Hardwood
- Heat bending of wood
- Hewing
- Knee (construction)
- Metalworking terminology
- Sawmill
- Softwood
- Varnish
- Whipsaw
- Wood art
- Wood stain
Source of the article : Wikipedia